The truth is in the hands of the one who has the power. No matter how he got it…
The story of a man who returns from abroad back to his home village, to a country that is rapidly changing and where great new opportunities are emerging, not least in the field of organised crime. Miki, originally a bus driver by profession, gradually discovers and unleashes the skills within himself to build one of the biggest and most feared mafia groups in the country.
The thriller about Mikuláš Černák, a former boss of the Slovak underworld of the 1990s, portrayed by Milan Ondrík, was made by the successful director Jakub Kroner based on true events. The screenplay was written by Miro Šifra, an award-winning screenwriter in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, who studied all available sources of information, important of which came directly from Mikuláš Černák.
“In the 1990s, the ability to assert oneself at any cost became synonymous with success. In politics and beyond. And those who scraped their way to the top without a scruple have been an object of admiration in Slovakia for three decades. That is why it is necessary to talk about the 1990s, because the deep crisis of today’s society has its roots in them,” says producer Zuzana Mistríková.
genre: thriller
direction: Jakub Kroner
script: Miro Šifra
starring: Milan Ondrík, Dušan Cinkota, Gregor Hološka, Michal Kubovčík, Martin Nahálka, Anna Javorková, Rebeka Poláková, Marek Fučík, Petra Vajdová, Soňa Norisová, Matěj Há-dek, Juraj Loj, Radoslav Kohuťár, Peter Batthyány, Gabriela Dzuríková and others