A summer comedy for the whole family about a trip to a Croatian holiday in an old caravan
This year we are going to the sea in a stylish caravan! Excited foodblogger Monika is already planning how she will make a special Adriatic episode full of fresh fish, calamari and prawns bought at the Croatian market, her husband Honza sees himself on the beach with a bottle of steaming beer, while the kids are entertained by animation programmes. But just as they set off on their journey, there is one accident after another. But nothing can spoil their holiday!
Bára Poláková and Lukáš Príkazký set off for Croatia in a caravan. And not just any caravan! An unexpected inheritance is brought to them by a caravan that has always been called Beetle. And the Adriatic seems within reach… But along the way, they are in for a lot of surprises and unexpected experiences they didn’t anticipate.
genre: family comedy
runtime: 87´
script: Jiří Matoušek, Filip Oberfalcer
direction: Jiří Matoušek
starring: Barbora Poláková, Lukáš Příkazký,
Barbora Dragounová, František Sládek, Pavel Zedníček, Marie Ludvíková, Pavel Nový, Tomáš Jeřábek, Michal Isteník, Martin Sobotka, Markéta Děrgelová, Patrik Děrgel, Henryk Šimek, Vladimír Škultéty and others