Sequel to the successful Czech family comedy
Co-produced by Jiří Vejdělek, who also wrote the screenplay, this comedy is a sequel to the first part called The Last Aristocrat. At the same time, it is an adaptation of a part of the humorous book of the same name written by the popular Czech writer Evžen Bocek, who is also the castellan of the castle in Milotice, where both the book and the film stories about the aristocrat take place. In 2019, The Last Aristocrat scored points in both Czech and Slovak cinemas, where it was seen by more than 560 thousand viewers. It was then seen by more than two million viewers in its premiere on TV.
The plot of the Aristocrat in the Boil has shifted from winter to spring season. Count Frank Kostka, his wife Vivien and their daughter Maria live in their ancestral castle Kostka. The original interest of the castle’s visitors in the curse of contessa Maria no longer attracts as before, which doesn’t bother Maria at all – at least she has plenty of time to spend with her Max, a nobleman from the neighbouring castle Star. But Frank is at a loss – there is not enough money either for salaries or for the necessary repairs. And just at that moment, Denisa, the lawyer Benda’s daughter appears, stirring up the peaceful atmosphere of the ancestral mansion…
genre: comedy
runtime: 99´
original novel: Evžen Boček
script and direction: Jiří Vejdělek
coproduction: Česká televize – TPS Kateřiny Ondrejkové, PubRes (SK), innogy
starring: Hynek Čermák, Tatiana Dyková, Yvona Stolařová, Eliška Balzerová, Martin Pechlát, Pavel Liška, Zdeněk Piškula, Simona Lewandowska, Petra Nesvačilová, Tomáš Jeřábek, Marek Taclík, Martin Sitta a ďalší