Never say never


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Everything bad can be good for something.

The producers of the blockbusters Všetko alebo nič (All or Nothing), Príliš osobná známosť (Far Too Personal) or V lete ti poviem ako sa mám (In Summer I’ll Tell You How I’m Doing) brought a film by Braňo Mišík, a well-known TV director of JOJ series like ZOO, Divoké kone (Wild Horses) or Panelák. Mišík successfully debuted in cinemas with this romantic comedy in the summer of 2023, and after seven weeks of screening it has already surpassed the 300 thousand viewers mark!

We meet Naďa and Peter at the time of the fall of their marriages. After an innocent collision of their cars, they start bumping into each other in everyday life. Besides working as a teacher, Naďa also teaches yoga classes. After a number of health problems with his spine, Peter is forced to change his lifestyle and yoga is there to help him. Peter gets to know Naďa in her natural environment and their mutual affection begins to deepen. However, not only their children, but also their former partners enter the budding relationship. A crazy ride of two incomplete families begins, challenging not only our main characters, but also their loved ones… because anything is possible.

genre: romantic comedy                                                                                                          running time: 104´                                                                                                                  direction and script: Braňo Mišík                                                                                starring: Tereza Kostková, Tomáš Maštalír, Lenka Krobotová, Marek Majeský, Hana Holišo-vá, Ondřej Sokol, Petr Vondráček, Pavla Tomicová, Jana Kovalčíková, Štefan Martinovič, Erika Stárková, Lucia Siposová, Zuzana Kanócz, Juraj Šoko Tabaček, Branislav Bystriansky, Juraj Hrčka, Daniel Fischer, Matej Landl, Marek Geišberg, Dominika Mirgová and others